Polish Chitin Society (PTChit) was established in June 1993.

The Society adopted the following aims for its activities:

  • supporting scientific research in the entire scope related to chitin and relevant enzymes, while chitin also includes chitosan and all chitin and chitosan derivatives
  • disseminating the results of these studies
  • encouraging and organizing exchanges between scientists participating in chitin-related research
  • promoting the practical application of the results of scientific research in the field of chitin, chitosan and chitin derivatives
  • development of connections and contacts with other scientific associations, both in the country and abroad, of an analogous or similar nature

We invite you to join the Polish Chitin Society! More information HERE.

The authorities of the Society are:

  • General meeting of members
  • Board
  • Revision committee

Contact details:

Polish Chitin Society
ul. Gagarina 7, 87 – 100 Toruń
phone (+48 42) 631 34 46
e-mail: ptchit.poland@gmail.com


Development and dissemination of the XXIV volume of the journal Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives (PCACD) - a task financed under the agreement 643 / P-DUN / 2019 from the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education allocated to the activities of disseminating science

