Membership form
We cordially invite you to join the ranks of the members of the Polish Chitin Society. To become a member of the Polish Chitin Society, please send a completed and signed application form.
Shipment can be done:
- by traditional route (by post) to the address provided in contact details,
- by electronic route to the e-mail address
The admission rules as well as the rights and obligations of the members of the Polish Chitin Society are given in the Statute of PTChit.
Amount of the membership fee:
- ordinary members: 60 PLN/year
- ordinary members after retirement: 48 PLN/year
- extraordinary members (student, PhD student, foreigner): 48 PLN/year
The fee should be paid by bank transfer to the bank account, giving the name and surname in the transfer title and the year for which the fee is paid.
Bank account number to which membership fees should be paid:
PKO BP S.A. 5 Oddział Łódź
PL 42 1020 3408 0000 4502 0142 9257
BIC (Swift) code: BPKOPLPW
Thank you for paying the membership fees on time.