- About journal
- Guide for Authors
- Editorial Board
- Publication Ethics Guidelines
- Donation
- XXIX (2024)
- XXVIII (2023)
- XXVII (2022)
- XXVI (2021)
- XXV (2020)
- XXIV (2019)
- XXIII (2018)
- XXII (2017)
- XXI (2016)
- XX (2015)
- XIX (2014)
- XVIII (2013)
- XVII (2012)
- XVI (2011)
- XV (2010)
- XII (2007)
- XI (2006)
- X (2004)
- IX (2003)
- VIII (2002)
- VII (2001)
- IV (1998)
- III (1997)
- II (1996)
- I (1995)
We would like to inform that the development, publication and dissemination of the XXVII volume (2022) and XXVIII volume (2023), and the development of the XXIX volume (2024) of the journal "Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives" (PCACD) is funded from the state budget in the frame of the program „The development of scientific journals” from the resources of the Minister of Education and Science under contract RCN/SN/0122/2021/1.
Co-financing: 50 000 zł
Total value: 50 000 zł